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How to install anti Copy Paste script in blogger

How to install anti Copy Paste script in blogger

How to Protect Your Blogger Blog From Copy and paste

So today we are going to learn how to protect our content from Copy Paste.
Hello Readers, Today we are going to learn how to stop thieves from copying our content.
Guys, it’s a big issue that many new bloggers, copied our content and post on their websites, directly without any changes. And because of this our traffic divides, Its effects us in many ways.

Blogging society is not devoid of CopyCat. You can find them everywhere. How to stop their activities?

Often One person does all the works, creates a good article and propagates through his blog. Very next day, when he looks at the internet, what he finds is, his entire work has been published by so many people under their own names.

Google and other internet agencies are working hard to prevent the occurrence of such theft.

By the help of Plagiarism Checker, now one can find out very easily that whether the contents published on the internet is a CopyCat substance or something original published by the publisher.

The game of Cat and Rat is going on the cyber world since many years, we can not do much to stop such nuances. However, there are few precautions, which if taken by the publishers, they can certainly prevent the occurrence of such acts of copying of contents.


    How to save our content from Copy Paste

    In fact, there is no radical measure against whether the website source code or anti-copy because it is a feature for programmers. However, we can restrict the view of source code by using javascript.
    This trick is very simple you just need to insert only one js before the closing </body> tag and after the </script> closing tag. As Shown in below picture.

    Now Copy the below code and paste it.

    <script type='text/javascript'>
    shortcut = {
        all_shortcuts: {},
        add: function (a, b, c) {
            var d = {
                type: "keydown",
                propagate:! 1,
                disable_in_input:! 1,
                target: document,
                keycode:! 1
            if (c)
                for (var e in d) "undefined" == typeof c [e] && (c [e] = d [e]);
            else c = d;
            d =, "string" == typeof && (d = document.getElementById (, a = a.toLowerCase (), e = function (d) {
                d = d || window.event;
                if (c.disable_in_input) {
                    var e;
           e = d.srcElement && (e = d.srcElement), 3 == e.nodeType && (e = e.parentNode);
                    if ("INPUT" == e.tagName || "TEXTAREA" == e.tagName) return
                d.keyCode? code = d.keyCode: d.which && (code = d.which), e = String.fromCharCode (code) .toLowerCase (), 188 == code && (e = ","), 190 == code && ( e = ".");
                var f = a.split ("+"),
                    g = 0,
                    h = {
                        "" ":" ~ ",
                        first: "!",
                        2: "@",
                        3: "#",
                        4: "$",
                        5: "%",
                        6: "^",
                        7: "&",
                        8: "*",
                        9: "(",
                        0: ")",
                        "-": "_",
                        "=": "+",
                        ";": ":",
                        "'":' "',
                        ",": "<",
                        ".": ">",
                        "/": "?",
                        "\": "|"
                    i = {
                        esc: 27,
                        escape: 27,
                        tab: 9,
                        space: 32,
                        "return": 13,
                        enter: 13,
                        backspace: 8,
                        scrolllock: 145,
                        scroll_lock: 145,
                        scroll: 145,
                        capslock: 20,
                        caps_lock: 20,
                        caps: 20,
                        numlock: 144,
                        num_lock: 144,
                        num: 144,
                        pause: 19,
                        "break": 19,
                        insert: 45,
                        home: 36,
                        "delete": 46,
                        end: 35,
                        pageup: 33,
                        page_up: 33,
                        pu: 33,
                        pagedown: 34,
                        page_down: 34,
                        pd: 34,
                        left: 37,
                        up: 38,
                        right: 39,
                        down: 40,
                        f1: 112,
                        f2: 113,
                        f3: 114,
                        f4: 115,
                        f5: 116,
                        f6: 117,
                        f7: 118,
                        f8: 119,
                        f9: 120,
                        f10: 121,
                        f11: 122,
                        f12: 123
                    j =! 1,
                    l =! 1,
                    m =! 1,
                    n =! 1,
                    o =! 1,
                    p =! 1,
                    q =! 1,
                    r =! 1;
                d.ctrlKey && (n =! 0), d.shiftKey && (l =! 0), d.altKey && (p =! 0), d.metaKey && (r =! 0);
                for (var s = 0; k = f [s], s <f.length; s ++) "ctrl" == k || "control" == k? (g ++, m =! 0): "shift" == k? (g ++, j =! 0): "alt" == k? (g ++, o =! 0): "meta" == k? (g ++, q =! 0): 1 <k.length? i [k] == code && g ++: c.keycode? c.keycode == code && g ++: e == k? g ++: h [e] && d.shiftKey && (e = h [e], e == k && g ++);
                if (g == f.length && n == m && l == j && p == o && r == q && (b (d),! c.propagate)) return d.cancelBubble =! 0, d .returnValue =! 1, d.stopPropagation && (d.stopPropagation (), d.preventDefault ()),! 1
            }, this.all_shortcuts [a] = {
                callback: e,
                target: d,
                event: c.type
            }, d.addEventListener? d.addEventListener (c.type, e,! 1): d.attachEvent? d.attachEvent ("on" + c.type, e): d ["on" + c.type] = e
        remove: function (a) {
            var a = a.toLowerCase (),
                b = this.all_shortcuts [a];
            delete this.all_shortcuts [a];
            if (b) {
                var a = b.event,
                    c =,
                    b = b.callback;
                c.detachEvent? c.detachEvent ("on" + a, b): c.removeEventListener? c.removeEventListener (a, b,! 1): c ["on" + a] =! 1
    }, shortcut.add ("Ctrl + U", function () {
        top.location.href = " xxx "
    }), shortcut.add ("F12", function () {
        top.location.href = " xxx "
    }), shortcut.add ("Ctrl + Shift + I", function () {
        top.location.href = " xxx "
    }), shortcut.add ("Ctrl + S", function () {
        top.location.href = " xxx "
    }), shortcut.add ("Ctrl + Shift + C", function () {
        top.location.href = " xxx "
    var message = "NoRightClicking";
    function defeatIE () {
        if (document.all) {
            return false;
    function defeatNS (e) {
        if (document.layers || (document.getElementById &&! document.all)) {
            if (e.which == 2 || e.which == 3) {
                return false;
    if (document.layers) {
        document.captureEvents (Event.MOUSEDOWN);
        document.onmousedown = defeatNS;
    } else {
        document.onmouseup = defeatNS;
        document.oncontextmenu = defeatIE;
    document.oncontextmenu = new Function ("return false")
    //]]> </script>

    The functionality of this code includes:

    1. Anti-right mouse
    2. Redirect when detecting a user using a shortcut

    In which you need to change xxx to the redirect link as you like, you can also add unlimited shortcuts by serialization in the above code.

    Anti-Text Copy (Must Use)

    Now we are going to add anti copy codes to our blogger template. So that user's can't copy our contents.

    You copy the code below and paste it above  ]]></b:skin>  tag. As Shown in below picture.

    Now Copy the below code and paste it.

     /* Anti Copy Paste by*/
    .Blog pre code {display:block;padding:0;white-space:pre;font-family: 'Fira Mono', monospace;user-select:text; -webkit-user-select:text; -khtml-user-select:text; -moz-user-select:text; -ms-user-select:text; user-select:text
    .Blog code {display:block;padding:0;white-space:pre;font-family: 'Fira Mono', monospace;user-select:text; -webkit-user-select:text; -khtml-user-select:text; -moz-user-select:text; -ms-user-select:text; user-select:text
    /* Anti Copy Paste by*/

    Code against left mouse

    With this given code we can restrict the left mouse function on our posts. It is so necessary bcoz many users copied our posts by long click on left mouse through dragging over any content.

    You copy the code below and paste it above  </head>  tag. As Shown in below picture.

    Now Copy the below code and paste it.

    /* Anti Copy Paste by*/
     <style type = 'text / css'>
    body {
         -webkit-touch-callout: none;
         -webkit-user-select: none;
         -moz-user-select: none;
         -ms-user-select: none;
         -o-user-select: none;
         user-select: none;
     /* Anti Copy Paste by*/

    Code against right mouse

    With this given code we can restrict the right mouse function on our posts. It is so necessary bcoz many users copied our posts by clicking on right mouse.

    You copy the code below and paste it above  </body>  tag. As Shown in below picture.

    Now Copy the below code and paste it.

    <script type='text/javascript'>
    var message="Right Click is Disabled!";
    function clickIE4(){
    if (event.button==2){
    return false;}}
    function clickNS4(e){
    if (document.layers||document.getElementById&&!document.all){
    if (e.which==2||e.which==3){
    return false;}}}
    if (document.layers){
    else if (document.all&&!document.getElementById){
    }document.oncontextmenu=new Function("alert(message);return false")

    Code against Ctrl + U, anti view source, anti F12

    You copy the code below and paste it into the closing  </head>  tag. As Shown in below picture.

    Now Copy the below code and paste it.

     <script src = 'http: //'/>
    <script type = 'text / javascript'>
    checkCtrl = false $ (&#39; * &#39;). keydown (function (e) {
    if (e.keyCode == &#39; 17 &#39;) {checkCtrl = false}}). keyup (function (ev) {
    if (ev.keyCode == &#39; 17 &#39;) {checkCtrl = false}}). keydown (function (event) {
    if (checkCtrl) {
    if (event.keyCode == &#39; 85 &#39;) {return false; }}})



    This is for Educational Purpose only.

    So this is the tutorial of How to Protect Your Blogger Blog From Copy and paste. I hope this will be helpful for you guyzz. If you have any issue regarding this feel free to comment down or Contact us.

    © Tech & Fun Zone

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