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The new version is under development in v9.5 branch, the main branch is no longer to be maintained until I merged that branch.

May The Force Be With You



Run linux with chroot&unshare/proot on your Android phone,safely and easy

The new version is under development in v9.5 branch, the main branch is no longer to be maintained until I merged that branch.

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* Your warranty is now void.
* I am not responsible for anything that may happen to your device by using this script.
* You do it at your own risk and take the responsibility upon yourself.


Termux-container is a script that runs Linux containers on your android phone. It's safe, easy to use and well-designed.

About ruri:

ruri runs a linux container with unshare namespaces and dropped capabilities in your system.

Why does its development seem so slow?

The existing chroot/unshare command didn't meet the needs of the new version termux-container, so I needed to rewrite a more powerful container implementation. ruri v2.0 is coming, which will bring a more free and secure container implementation, and termux-container needs to wait for it to finish to continue development.
It's like chroot and unshare, but it can reduce the container's capability set for more security.
It's published under the MIT license, everyone is free to use it.


Here's only the new version of termux-container and it might not be stable.
For any bugs, please report at Discussions.

Getting start:

The new version hasn't been released yet, if you want to try it, please remove the old version and run:

git clone
cd termux-container
pkg install make
make install


See container -h and help in container console.

About me:

A noob, want to be a geek.
If my work helps, please give me a star !



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